11:46 PM | Posted in

Dia is diagram software, it allows you to draws all sorts of technical drawings including flowcharts and circuit diagrams.

Technical diagrams are needed when doing work such as electronics and cooking. You may also have need to use a flow chart to show how you plan out how to solve a problem. For example what would you do to bake a cake? Dia can help you solve all these problems on a computer where you can correct mistakes and save your work. You can also place your diagrams into other programs like Writer or Word.

Use Dia to solve technology class problems and plan out how you are going to do things!
Make sure you have installed the GTK+ Runtime Library already on your computer, clicking on the link below will tell you. Once you have installed that, click the install icon to the right to start the installation.

Extra Requirements:GTK+
Version: 0.96.1


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